Automation script

Points center

After connecting the personal wallet, you can purchase corresponding points and execute the script

  1. Wallet connection

  • Entrance: Settings - Automation Script - Points Center - Connect wallet

  • Select your favorite wallet to connect

  • Account details will be displayed after a successful connection

  1. Points purchase

  • Entrance: Settings - Automation Scripts - Points Center

  • Click the points recharge button, select the corresponding package, payment network, and payment currency

  • Click "Go to Pay", select link payment or scan code payment on the payment page, and confirm the payment address before payment

  • After the payment is successful, copy the transaction hash, fill in the [transaction ID], and click [Payment completed] to complete the payment.

Script Center

Provide automation scripts, users can choose the corresponding script download according to task requirements, and perform multi-window batch automation execution

  1. Script Store

  • Entrance: Settings - Automation Scripts - Script Center - Script Store

  • Select the corresponding script and click the "Download" button to download the entire script

  • Download single subtask: Click Script Details, check the required subtask, and click the [Download] button to download.

  • After the download is complete, you can perform the settings in the "My Scripts" module

  1. My script

  • Entry: Settings - Automation Scripts - Script Center - My Script

  • Select the corresponding script and click "Execute Settings" to set the script content.

    • Execution device: Select which devices the current script needs to be executed on, and support custom device selection.

    • Execution time interval: refers to the time interval after a window completes a task and opens the next window for execution

    • Randomly execute: After opening, the execution order of the window will be disrupted and will not be executed according to the device order.

    • Concurrent execution: supports opening multiple windows to execute tasks at the same time, but supports up to 5 windows to execute at the same time.

    • Terminate in case of error: If a device executes an error after being turned on, its interaction will be automatically terminated (currently not supported to turn off).

Local script

  1. Upload script

  • Entry: Settings - Automation Scripting - Local Scripting

  • Operating steps

    • Click "Upload Script" in the upper right corner of the page.

    • Enter the pop-up window for script upload, enter the script name, upload the script file, and fill in the script description (optional).

    • After filling in, click the [Confirm] button in the upper right corner of the pop-up window to upload successfully.

  • Remarks

    • You can click the "Upload Specification" button in the upper right corner of the page to view the relevant specifications.

  1. Script execution

  • Click on the local script list, select the script to be executed, and click [Execution Settings].

  • Fill in the relevant information and data on the execution settings page, and click the [Execute] button in the upper right corner to execute the script.

  1. Script editing

  • Entry: Script List - Script Editing

  • Click to enter the editor to edit, save, and download the script to the local operation.

  • Note: Only scripts that have been successfully uploaded can be edited.

Last updated